According to chrome’s historical development chronology, Chrome was discovered in 1848 in Turkey for the first time. Then in 1860, Turkey reached a position of world leader in chrome production. However, our country did not find any more space in this chronology in the light of the developments that lived up to today.
Turkey has rich chrome deposits and is a country that has an important place in global chrome market. In 2017, Turkey exported 1.38 million ton chrome ore and total value of exported chrome ore was amounted to $344 million ($245 million in 2016). Chrome ore export quantity increased 13.5 percent and and export value increased 40 percent in value compared to the previous year. Although there is not much change in chrome export amounts compared to 2015 and 2016, there is a considerable increase in the value compared to 2016. The reason for this increase in 2017 is the high market prices of chrome .
China has the largest share in